My journey to launching Beacon3 began years ago while developing the Global Business Academy at Colorado State University, a summer program where high schoolers explored business in a global context, built soft skills, and experienced college life. We believed giving students opportunities for self-discovery (assessments, career exploration), business knowledge, and diverse mentor interactions would provide greater career and education clarity.  

Witnessing graduates mirroring their parents' paths and research showing a 30% first-year dropout rate solidified my belief: many dropouts were preventable. In my personal experience, I encountered countless graduates lost and unsure, clinging to their parents' professions. This, combined with the success of the Global Business Academy’s mission, spurred the creation of Beacon3. I vividly recall my son choosing business as his major despite lacking enthusiasm for math and analytics, which ultimately led to him ignoring his innate creative talents. When he discovered his passion for music production, he blossomed into a highly engaged and motivated student. This is the heart of Beacon3's mission: to help students, ages 16-24, uncover their unique talents and passions, equipping them with the skills and confidence to pursue paths that allow them to thrive in a rapidly evolving labor market. 

Founders & Mentors

The Beacon3 mentors range from early career professionals to seasoned executives with a broad range of experience in numerous industries, (Real Estate, Entertainment, Telecommunications, Finance (Investment Banking, Private Equity and Venture Capital), Hospitality and more. They are in various roles ranging from founders, CEO’s, COO’s, to account managers and software programmers and developers, both domestically and internationally.  Each mentor has their own story, and all of them have taken different roads to get to where they are, their career development pathway was never linear.